Day 8-50 Official Miles on the AT!

March 26-Day 8 13.4 miles

Sure Foot and I were the first ones out today. It was pretty chilly and foggy, but once we were hiking we warmed up. 

There were tons of water sources today (ie streams and waterfalls). Here’s a couple of the nicer ones. I actually only got water had one of them. 

Some of the streams like to use the trail to flow along. 

Yes, that is the trail. 

The first half-ish of the day was pretty easy. No steep climbs or descents. Not flat, but just gentle rolling. Unfortunately, that didn’t last (of course not...this is the Appalachian Trail).

The first big climb was up Blue Mtn. Near the top is a shelter. A bunch of us stopped there for lunch. It had a very nice view. 

That’s Morgan and her dad. 

Blue Mtn Shelter 

Interestingly, a bunch of the people who were at Low Gap Shelter last night decided to stop at Blue Mtn. I had heard them talking about going to Trey Mtn Shelter which would be a 15 mile day (even further than we went). At least that what we assume they did, as they are not here, and they didn’t pass us. 

After reaching the top of Blue Mtn, it was as if the trail just went off a cliff. It was a very steep downhill, and very rocky. I am slower than frozen molasses coming down stuff like that. 

This was going up Blue Mtn, the Trail was even worse coming down. 

When I got to Unicoi Gap, I could see Sure Foot standing by a car with an open trunk, and talking to a guy. This could mean only one thing...TRAIL MAGIC! Indeed it was! Touch Up, a thru-hiker from last year had a trunk full of all kinds of snacks, fruit, meals, you name it! I snagged a bottle of Gatorade, and guzzled that down spiffy quick! I also had a granola bar, a banana, and a Kit Kat mini. He said for us to take as much as we wanted...load up our packs. He was heading home (Kentucky) that afternoon. I grabbed a bag of dried mango, and some Sun Chips. 

Trail Angel, Touch Up. 

The loot!

We still had two more big climbs, and one more big descent, but I was feeling good after my snack. The climb was pretty brutal. The 2000 feet we had come down to Unicoi Gap, we had to go back up again. After awhile, it was just plodding step after plodding step. I stopped at one stream and soaked my headband in the cold water. That felt delightful! 

The descent to Indian Grave Gap was not quite as bad as the one to Unicoi, but it was close. Morgan, David, and I took a short break at the Gap before tackling the next climb. 

Sure Foot and I had planned to go 11.1 miles to Rocky Mtn Canmpsite. But, when we got there, we decided we could handle another 2.3 miles....and another 600 foot climb. What were we thinking? 

Another nearly 2 hours later, we made it to the Cheese Factory campsite. Sadly, there is no cheese. Juice kept calling it the Cheesecake Factory. There was no cheesecake either. 

The view from Rocky Mtn. 

Home for the night at the Cheese Factory

There actually used to be a Cheese Factory here. There is a road about .1 mile from the campsite (that’s also where the water source is...otherwise I would not have walked another .2 miles just to see a road). 

It was a hard day today, and also our longest mile day. We have now gone over the 50 mile mark!

I’m going to go to sleep now because I am one tired puppy!


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