Day 121-A Nuclear Lake, a Really Big Tree, and the AT Train Station

July 17-11 miles-Morgan Stewart Shelter to Wingdale, NY-AT mile 1451.7

Today was another not terribly exciting day on the trail. It didn’t help matters that is poured rain at 5:00am, and remained foggy and misty most of the day. I started out with full rain gear, but ended up taking off the rain pants. 

We came upon Nuclear Lake. Sure Foot wondered if the duck’s eyes glowed (the lake used to be some nuclear plant-cleaned up long before the AT was routed through there-but still cautioned not to drink the water). 

See the duck? His eyes weren’t glowing. 

We walked up and down as usual, across numerous boardwalks over swampy sections (very slippery when wet). 

Beeeee careful!

This was a gratuitous treacherous climb over wet slabs of rock (the dark abyss near the top of the photo was pretty much straight down slippery rock). There was a bypass trail that skipped the dangerous part. However, it wasn’t marked as a bypass. I said to Sure Foot, “ I’m going to be pissed if that trail comes back to the AT!” I was pissed. 

Once we came down, we came to Dover Rd. Across the road was the largest Oak tree on the AT. 

No, that’s not a tiny Sure Foot, the tree is really big. It is estimated to be over 300 years old. It is 20’ 4” in girth. We ate our lunch sitting under it on the log. 

The next section was a mix of woods, pasture, and overgrown boardwalks. 

The trail (boards) came through that tall grass at the end of the board. I had to put my poles in front of my face to keep from getting cut by the grass. 

More overgrown trail. 

Once out of the woods, there was (for awhile, then it was also overgrown) this nice boardwalk. 

At the end of the boardwalk was the railway, and the infamous Appalachian Trail train station. 

You could actually take the train to New York City from here. Unfortunately, this station is closed (maybe due to the didn’t say specifically).

Flat Will, you can’t get on the train here!

I called the guy at the Dutchess Motel to see if he could pick us up. He couldn’t, so I called Segundo Taxi. It cost $15 to go 2.7 miles to the motel!!! When we got to the motel, Bill, the owner, checked us in. When I asked how far the grocery store was, he said it burned down. Great... 

We rethought our resupply plan. Instead of getting our resupply here in Wingdale, we will hike tomorrow to a shelter near Gaylordville. The next morning, we will stop in that town and get our resupply. I still had a dinner, and enough snacks to get me through lunch tomorrow. We walked to Ben’s Deli (they had a few groceries), and I got breakfast for tomorrow. We ordered food from a restaurant for dinner tonight (they delivered).

I asked Bill if he could shuttle us back to the trail tomorrow. He will take us at 7:30. I was hoping for a little later, since we only have 10 miles tomorrow, but 7:30 was the latest he could do. Oh least I’m sleeping in a bed tonight!


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