Day 156-Another Terrifying Day in the White Mountains
Aug 21-5.5 miles + 1 mile to the shelter-Garfield a campsite to Guyot Campsite-AT mile 1835.7
On this part, there was also a stream running down.
Sure Foot taking my pack.
Galehead Hut
It was a good view, but I’ve decided the views are not worth the treacherous terrain.
The trail down was not too bad.
This boulder pile was not fun either.
The ridge in the distance is Franconia. We did all of that yesterday.
The view from our platform.
Today was a downright awful day, saved only by Sure Foot. You might notice we only did 5.5 miles (plus a mile to the campsite).
It started out with a nasty continuation of the descent from Garfield Mtn. At one point, I could not figure out how to get down a rock slab without dying, so I took my cord and tied it to my pack. I ran the cord through my trekking pole straps because who knows where they would have ended up if I tossed them down. Then I lowered it down the rock. It worked pretty good. The next time I couldn’t get down with my pack on, I lowered it again to where Sure Foot was, then he took it the rest of the way down.
On this part, there was also a stream running down.
Sure Foot taking my pack.
It took an hour to go .3 miles. We had planned a 14.9 mile day. Knowing there was more terrifying descending, I didn’t see how we could do 14.9 miles. By this time (which was still morning), I was in a very dark place. Usually, I’m good until the afternoon. Not today. All I wanted to do was go home. When I asked Sure Foot if Mt. Washington was as bad as this, he said it wasn’t, but we have no option but to go up and over in one day (11 miles). I said I do have an option. I could quit.
We got to the Galehead Hut. The huts in the White Mountains are places that serve food, and have bunks. But, due to COVID, they are only open for snacks, and water. We wouldn’t stay in the bunks anyway as it costs something like $150. But, they do let hikers do work for stay so they can sleep on the floor. Not this year.
Galehead Hut
Because I was having a hard time (the extreme downhills are killing my knees, even with 800mg ibuprofen 3 times a day), Sure Foot said we needed to change the plan and go to Guyot Campsite instead of Ethan Pond campsite. It’s a mile off trail, but that’s better than trying to do 14.9 miles.
From the hut the trail gained 1000ft in .8 miles. It was very steep, and all rocks. At least there weren’t any rock scrambles (well...mostly). The top was the summit of South Twin.
It was a good view, but I’ve decided the views are not worth the treacherous terrain.
The trail down was not too bad.
We had one more little summit that might have been Mt. Guyot, but I’m not sure.
This boulder pile was not fun either.
The ridge in the distance is Franconia. We did all of that yesterday.
Guyot Campsite is the same setup as Garfield, except bigger. There are 10 platforms (most fit at least three tents). They get up to 80 people here on the weekends. Sure Foot and I have platform 5 to ourselves.
The view from our platform.
Tomorrow we will still get out at Crawford Notch to resupply, but instead of 2 miles, we will have 11, but it’s supposed to be easier. I certainly hope so. If not, I don’t think I can continue.
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