Day 160-The Last Post of My AT Three 20s Hike
Aug 25th As I’m sitting here in Conway, NH, waiting for my bus to Boston, I thought I’d write this last post. Maybe make it a retrospective of sorts. I also wanted to take a moment and thank some of the people that made parts of this hike really enjoyable. 161 days ago I walked into the hostel at Dahlonega and saw a guy sitting in the chair. Of course, that was Doug, later to be named by me, Sure Foot. Little did I know I would spend the next 160 days with this guy! I firmly believe that if it weren’t for Sure Foot, my hike would have ended long ago. We made a good team, him and I. He had the hiking experience, and I...well...I had good ears! We made each other laugh, and we kept each other going, even when we both had decided to quit in North Carolina when the whole COVID mess made it hard to see how we could proceed. I will always be grateful for his knowledge, experience, and most of all, friendship. Sure Foot, I miss you already! At one point, I wrote about our “Curse of the T...